Call for live performance threads!

Help us construct the communal lore! Contribute your two (or more) cents to our emergent common sense! Add your trinket or treasure to the trove of (un)conventional wisdom!

Suggest a thread for live performance and presentation! We welcome all threads—short or long; delicate or strong; made of story, science or song. We will find a way to share and showcase your threads—the better to discover how they connect and where they lead.


We call upon you, if you are so moved, to weave us a tale about, for or aimed at Nick and Nancy. Perhaps it’s a bit (or two) of N&N history, perhaps it’s a fable for our collective future, spun of truth or fiction or something in between.  Connections, love, travels, robots (!), food (!!)—whatever the theme, we will gather round your campfire to listen.


Friends! Nancians! Nickians! Lend us your talents! Sing a song, tell a joke, play a tune! Dance, act and improvise forth! Do you have a rarefied skill sure to delight N&N? Can you illustrate the bounds of human potential in some particularly obscure domain? We are ready to be amazed! Let us know what you can do!


We invite talks, posters, demonstrations, experiments or other presentations on topics of interest to the Nick & Nancy community, broadly construed to include interconnectivity, society, robots, intelligence, language, spirituality and gastronomy. Please aim for a general audience. No minimum or maximum word limit. References (at least true ones) optional.

If details make you happy, more about some themes of special interest to us can be found here.

Whatever your chosen thread(s) of performance are, please let us understand how your contribution would fit into the tapestry we are weaving of community, love, food, commitment, working for the future, and/or The (scientific or spiritual) Beyond!