What thread will you weave into our culture?

Why just tie a knot when you can weave an entire tapestry?

Our wedding is a fine pretext for gathering some of the brilliant, colorful, shiny happy people who have inspired, influenced and delighted us over the years. And we can't resist the chance to ask you to share your ideas, stories, experiences, knowledge with us!

Some of you are seasoned performers, presenters and speechifiers. Others are artful, crafty ponderers and puzzlers. Perhaps you have amassed artifacts, digital or analog, that tell stories, revive memories, provoke curiosity. Maybe you're just the best listener ever, a willing participant, an observant student of the world.

Whatever your favored mode of expression, we invite you to add your thread to the tapestry of our community. Our notion of thread is meant to be maximally inclusive, in both topic and format:

  • threads of any form: word, image, sound, gesture; idea, memory, story, song, dance, meme; a cultural tradition, inherited or invented… any idiom will do!
  • threads that teach: fables for our future; lessons and morals, both serious and silly; what should be part of our collective (un)common sense and (un)conventional wisdom?
  • threads with (or without) a purpose: inspire, entertain, delight, provoke, confound, amuse: all that embroiders and enriches

With your help we will weave these threads into the weekend’s events and create a collective tapestry of people, ideas and coNNections. We plan to showcase your threads in various ways, including a conference and post-er session (no, that‘s not a typo) on-site Sunday morning, a collective art project and at least six other ways we haven‘t thought of yet.

Choose your thread and start weaving!

Live threads

Click the button below if you want to tell a story, give a talk, or otherwise perform, or if you want to share expertise at the post-er session. So, for example, if you want to share...

  • A story about that time you and N went to the Kalamazoo Art Museum
  • A poster about your research on ancient weaving techniques
  • A talk on why it's actually important for robots to be able to process human speech
  • An interpretive dance illustrating how the union of N and N will prevent global warming
  • Your answers to questions about how to cook eggplant properly...

Artifact threads

Click the button below if you want to contribute a digital artifact, get more info about or (if you can't come yourself) submit a tile to the community tapestry, or tell us about any other physical art you'd like to add to the weekend. So, for example, if you want to share...

  • A video of you singing a corny love song (or a love song to corn)
  • A tapestry tile with a poem about NN
  • A slide show of NN pictures
  • A set of quipus representing sigNNificant events...


Need suggestions? See here for some of N&N’s special threads of interest, or the below smattering of prompts for some of our favorite stories, ideas and expressions.