Call for Participation

How can I help? How can I take part?
What do you need? What can we give you?

Many roads lead to this page, but however you got here, we have one message for you:

We want YOU!!!!!! …to participate in any way that would bring you the most joy!

As noted elsewhere, we are gratefully thrilled for the amazing community of our lives, and are attempting in one short weekend to bring this virtual, temporally and spatially and socially disjoint community together.

Our greatest goal—besides, you know, actually getting married at some point—is for everyone to join this community in whatever way they can, and for as many of you to get to know as many of you as possible.

That’s why we are giving you SOOOOOOO MANY WAYS to PARTICIPATE! 

In fact, many of you are helping us already—musicians, logistics team, butt-kickers and cheerleaders. So if you feel that you have already done your part, you are probably right! THANKS!!!

IF (and only if) you feel moved and joyful about the prospect of taking partIt’s not hard, and it’s not too late! And it is definitely something we’ll appreciate!!! Here are a few suggestions!

  • Threads: We value people, ideas and stories above all. Find a way to showcase you, your identity, your culture(s), your expertise, your grace—whatever thread you want to contribute to our community tapestry (literal or metaphorical!).
  • Volunteer to do something, bring something, lead something. We are delighted to help you help us! It turns out we need quite a bit of help, of all kinds, to pull this weekend off. We are sending out the word—no pressure, but we could sure use a hand or two!
  • Food: A potluck wedding? Not quite, but you can still bring something to the table. If food is your language of love, we welcome all forms of gastronomic participation. If you have suggestions for (Friday) international samplers, (Saturday) picnic favorites, or (Sunday) (human/robot-appropriate) desserts, we’re all ears! (Email with your idea.) You can also contribute to our on-site snack supplies.