Welcome to the official website of the N&N Wedding Weekend 2016!

“all the NN-relevant information that’s fit to print”

Here we have amassed the evidence of all that transpired, both silly and solemn, during our sojourn in the sequoias and several satellite celebrations. We invite you to:

  • explore the origins of the weekend;
  • survey the various events leading to, through and beyond the weekend;
  • browse our multifaceted media (photos, videos);
  • tie up loose threads and see our post hoc attempts to make sense of it all on our nascent blog;
  • or wander down memory lane and be grateful that we are done with all the logistics!

Warning: Memory, time and media being bounded and unreliable resources, please expect fluctuating level of detail, inconsistent tenses and ongoing reconstructions in our digital home. Thank you for your patience!

Warning #2: Don’t worry if some of this seems puzzling… there indeed may be more than meets the eye around here, for those inclined to look. (nickandnancy.net/??????)